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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Eateries serving Indian food make it to Yelp’s top 100 US restaurants 2024 list

Yelp released its list of top 100 US restaurants for 2024 and it includes two places which serve a variety of Indian foods. From Chicken Tikka Masala made with a ‘creamy sauce’ to ‘flavour packed’ Paneer Chowmein, these US-based restaurants serving Indian foods are ‘hidden gems’ across local communities.
On number 19 is Little India located in Utah. As per the official website of the eatery, their specials include ‘Butter Chicken, Garlic Naan and Rogan Josh, cooked with real flair and precision, served with warmth and charm’. They also have vegetarian options.
The other restaurant on the list, which claimed the 29th position, is Ocean Indian Cuisine. Located in California, this family-owned business serves a wide range of dishes starting from vegetable samosa to Shrimp Vindaloo to Kabuli Naan. The place also serves a Nepali delicacy called Everest Chicken Momo which is prepared with ‘shredded ground chicken and Himalayan spices’.
Noodles topped the chart when it comes to exciting culinary trends on this year’s Yelp list. Be it multi-coloured noodles or authentic Japanese ones, dishes based on this ingredient impressed foodies. Also, vegan Mexican cuisine and Asian dishes, especially from South Korea, made a mark on people’s hearts.
Tumerico in Arizona topped the list for serving vegetarian Mexican cuisine. It is followed by Menya Rui. Located in Missouri, this place serves ‘rich and decadent broth loaded with cooked-to-perfection noodles’.
Third on the list is Sunny Side Kitchen in California. This place run by a husband-and-wife team serves a ‘huge menu of creative comfort foods, homemade soups, and drool-worthy desserts’. The fourth restaurant on the list is also in California. It is GS Cafe and Ethiopian Cuisine.
Fratellino in Florida claimed the fifth place on the list. This place is famous for serving Italian dishes and homemade pasta to the customers.
“This year, our huge, food-loving community reviewed and rated their faves from coast to coast, so you can find lots of new restaurants to love, whether you’re at home or on the road. There’s a place for every taste in 2024—and we’ve got 100 to choose from!” shared Yelp about their list of top 100 US restaurants.
